Allergy is an abnormal reaction to a foreign substances that’s not typically harmful to the body. These foreign substances are called allergens. It may result from mechanisms that involve activation of the immune system, and the subsequent production of antibodies, or reactions that are non-immune mediated.
Immune Mediated Allergy
occurs when the immune system overreacts to allergens, and produce antibodies to attack these allergens which immune system recognizes as a threat. And It’s classified on which part of immune system is activated and how long it takes for a reaction to occur.
IgE Mediated Allergy (Rapid Onset)
These reactions are characterised by the production of IgE antibodies and the release of histamine, upon exposure to an allergen (e.g. Peanuts, and pollens). They are responsible for the ‘rapid onset’ of symptoms that can occur within seconds or minutes following exposure to certain allergen. It is usually obvious which foods are responsible for a food allergy and these have to be avoided for life.
IgG Mediated Allergy (Delayed Onset)
These reactions are characterised by the production of IgG antibodies and the gradual formation of antigen/antibody complexes which are deposited in tissues, causing chronic inflammation. They are responsible for the ‘delayed onset’ of symptoms, which can occur several hours or days after exposure to certain allergen. Consult your Gastroenterologists to request Food Intolerance Test if needed.
Non-Immune Mediated Allergy
Reactions that do not produce an immune response. They can be caused by sensitivities to certain chemicals/additives found in food, or more commonly due to enzyme deficiencies.